Attuned: Straight from Source

Somatic Journey & Energy Activation & Release

The Spiritual Course & Practice to get you grounded and clear so you can focus, feel less anxious and get back to life!

Want to regulate your nervous system and learn energy medicine at the same time?

Do you keep seeing the word "somatic" and your curiosity is like a cat's right now? You gotta find out!

Are you ready to learn new techniques to help your clients with quicker breakthroughs?

Take your own skills to the next level!


I LOVE the word. It literally means to turn toward, and for me, it has been a "soul merge" with myself and Source, God, the Creator.

What does ATTUNED FEEL like?

A definition of attunement is "a kinesthetic and emotional sensing energy or someone else's experiences by metaphorically being in their skin, and going beyond empathy to create a two-person experience of unbroken feeling of connectedness, by providing a reciprocal affect and/or resonating response."

You feel God in your body, and you have tools to relax your nervous system.

Can you imagine how that feels?

Almost unexplainable, but the word "lighter," "seeing in technicolor" and "oneness" may be some of the things you feel.

Your mission is to earn money doing what you desire most! Your purpose is to experience BEing.

The world needs your light, and you need to be in the flow.

The Attuned course and training is for ENTREPRENEURS that shows you how to experience more BEing so you can get back to DOing from a place of groundedness and non-hustle!

This is not Reiki!

We're putting all other energy modalities to the side during class.

And you may want to add this in addition to what you're already doing.

If you are a Reiki practitioner you'll know some of this information, BUT you'll get to experience that information another way AND learn even more somatic healing techniques.

In this experiential training, you'll learn how to reclaim your personal power so your nervous system is more regulated, and dense emotions are released from your body.

Let's find your center so you can be in FLOW, not overwhelm.

Add tools to your healing toolbox for quicker client breakthroughs.

Your Body, Mind, Spirit and Business will GLOW because you are going to be LIT FROM WITHIN after this Spiritual course and practice.

What do you learn, you ask?

How to measure your own body's frequency so you know where you stand and can work on improving your vibe!


In any case, your shadow is where your gold is.

Experience the sensation of being more grounded and the way you carry yourself after completing this practitioner training.

Your nervous system needs to be regulated.

Excavate the stories stored in the body so they are energetically, physically, and mentally released.

Connect with your inner healer and higher self to gain direct access to Source.

Learn energetic hygiene so you don't take on your client's energy.

This is the inner alchemy you need so you are grounded, focused and not in your head.

Your business needs your discernment, presence and focus.

And your clients need all of this too!

Move dense energy so you get clear, focused, and centered so you feel connected to your body, your intention and your business.

I've included two BONUS meditations that you can return to over and over to help you re-center and call your own energy back to you.

YOU'RE GROWING THIS WITH ME, did I mention that?

I'll be adding video trainings to ensure you feel confident in doing this in sessions.

  • Intuitive practices to help deepen your abilities

  • Energetic techniques I use with clients

BENEFITS of Attuned Somatic Journey

  • In today's hectic world, we are constantly feeling scattered and out of balance. A lot of us are not operating from our core truth, meaning that a lot of our actions are coming from a place of ego, lack and "doing" rather than BEing. The result? We're not being mindful, we're not making decisions from our personal power, we're not feeling fulfilled. We're just "doing" - and that's exhausting.

  • Feel better, be more effective, & free up your energy.

  • One-of-a-kind online course for spiritual entrepreneurs that is a journey you experience so you're embodied and can move your clients through resistance quicker. Your clients are going to be mind-blown by YOU! You both get the benefits!

  • Your nervous system is regulated, and you have tools for you to be a better practitioner and space holder.

Be part of a community of like hearted peers to learn, grow & support each other.

Potentially meet your new BEST FRIEND or COLLABORATOR!

Meet Your Guide

Hey there, I'm Andrea Arledge. My mission is to help as many people in this world to be in their own power so they create from a place of confidence and deep alignment.

Copyright © 2021 Elements Integrative Wellness, LLC All Rights Reserved. I honor the Eastern Band of Cherokee and the land where I reside.