
Conversion Copywriting

What is conversion copywriting and why you need it to grow your biz!

December 09, 20222 min read

"A writer, I think, is someone who pays attention to the world." - Susan Sontag

Want to make more sales in your online biz?

Then read this!

I'm keeping this one short and sweet so you stay in the know with ways to grow your business in 2023 and beyond.......

It's what all the cool kids are talking about, especially right now in today's online environment.

Conversion copywriting because...

It's getting loud out there, y'all, and this is why you not only need to know what conversion copywriting is, but also why you need me, a conversion copywriter, on your team! 🔥

Conversion Copy

With that said, let's get into what conversion copywriting is and why you need a conversion copywriter in your back pocket.

1. So what is Conversion Copy?

Conversion copywriting is a specialized type of copywriting designed to increase the number of conversions, such as sales, leads, and signups, from a website, an advertisement, or even an email.

This type of copywriting plays an important role in any digital marketing campaign and is crucial to helping businesses reach their goals. Conversion copywriting is truly an art!

2. Why conversion copywriting is so effective.

The key is to accurately target the right audience and speak to their needs, wants, and interests.

Conversion copy is carefully crafted to instantly grab your reader's attention so they know they're in the right place, and it directly drives them to take the action you want them to take. I have a unique process that gets me into your brand's voice so I can bring all of you out in your copy. I promise, you want to connect with the right audience!

Effective conversion copy is also easy to read, helps keep your reader engaged for a longer period of time, and makes them more likely to take the desired action.

Another key factor of conversion copywriting, is having effective calls-to-action that promote the desired action you want your reader to take. Want them to hop on your email list? YES.

In other words, you turn potential clients INTO paying clients with effective conversion copy!

And last, but not least, an effective conversion copywriter takes the time to get into your brand's voice and identity so your personality shines, quirks and all, so your potential clients fall in love with YOU and your offer.

So, if you want effective copy to drive more sales in your business, maybe it's time to consider hiring a conversion copywriter so you get back to what you do best, serving your clients, and I'll handle the rest.

Book a resonance call here so we get this party started creating more sales in your online business.

Let's turn your wisdom into wealth, friend!

xoxo Andrea Arledge, Conversion Copywriter & Numerologist

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Andrea Arledge

Andrea Arledge, RN, Conversion Copywriter and Numerologist takes a unicorn approach to creating killer copy. With her extensive background in health and wellness, Spirituality and Shadow Work Coaching for entrepreneurs, she really will turn your wisdom into wealth with your words.

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I can't wait to meet you!

Andrea Arledge, Intuitive Success Coach

Founder of Practical Magical Business ©

I do not treat, nor prescribe.

As a trauma informed coach, I care deeply about you getting the proper support. I do refer out if you are in active trauma and need more support. xoxo Andrea

Contact Info

Andrea Arledge


Telephone: +1(262)261-1118

@ Copyright 2022 - Elements Integrative Wellness, LLC Andrea Arledge| All rights reserved